
Dear Friend of Indigenous Health International,

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Indigenous Health International (IHI) mission to meet the health care needs of indigenous communities around the world. We continue our efforts to provide care and support capacity building, having expanded our work from the Kuna Islands of Ustupu and Ogobsucum to 5 communities that include the Ngabe Bugle, Embera, and Kuna of Panama. We have also expanded our efforts to include not only health care, but also addressing food insecurity through a community farming project, supporting improved water sanitation through a large project to improve access to fresh water, and providing community education for adults and children throughout the communities. Thanks to a cooperative agreement with the Medical College of Wisconsin we have also begun taking undergraduate and medical students on our trips, in addition to our providers and research support staff, training the next generation of global health leaders to understand and meet the needs of indigenous communities.

 Unfortunately, all trips scheduled for this year were cancelled due to COVID-19, but we hope to provide financial resources to sustain clinic and provision of medical services and continue work on our food insecurity and water projects. In light of Giving Day 2021, we would like to ask you to consider donating your gift to IHI to be used to provide much needed services for our existing partners. Here are ways you can help:

  • $25, $50, or $100 to purchase glasses for the residents of the communities

  • $50, $75, $100, or $250 to purchase fetal Dopplers or nebulizers for the clinics

  • $50-$200 to purchase medications including antibiotics, pain medication, and blood pressure medicine 

  • $50, $75, or $100 to purchase digital blood pressure machines to allow community screening for hypertension

  • $250 to purchase a glucose meter and testing strips for 6 months to help support blood sugar control for individuals with diabetes

  • $50-$250 to purchase farming supplies and seed to help support the community farming project on the Kuna island of Ustupu

  • $100-$500 to support the new water system to be installed on the Kuna islands of Ustupu and Ogobsucum 

  • $200-$1,000 to cover travel expenses for a student to accompany the team in 2021


Donations can be made online through our website, by selecting the DONATE tab, or can be sent via mail to Indigenous Health International, 2224 West Kilbourne Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233. All gifts are tax-deductible. 



Leonard E. Egede, MD, MS

Founder & President IHI Board of Directors
