
Who We Are.

Indigenous Health International (IHI) is a United States IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to meet the health care needs of indigenous communities around the world.

IHI believes that to meet the health care needs of indigenous communities around the world, we need to partner with them and treat their physical, mental, and social needs in a way that respects their past and provides for their future. We believe that health care for indigenous peoples needs to also address the social determinants of health which underlie the poor health in these communities. Thus, we also work with our partners to improve education, sanitation, and environmental health. Just like our logo, we serve to unlock resources and open doors to healthcare for indigenous people around the world.  

Why We Care.

The nearly 400 million indigenous peoples live in over 70 countries around the world are some of the most marginalized and neglected people on our planet, accounting for about 15% of the world’s poor though only 5% of it’s population. Malnutrition, infant mortality, unsafe water supplies, poor living conditions, and restricted access to health care services, unfortunately mark similarities between indigenous people living across the globe from each other. Layered on this is the fact that indigenous peoples define health more broadly than simply physical wellbeing or absence of disease. This often puts well-meaning efforts to provide health care to indigenous peoples at odds with their beliefs and cultures.  

Our Guiding Principles.

Some of our core principles are: 1) to provide direct medical care while recognizing that health is more than just absence of disease; 2) to adopt a ‘do no harm’ strategy by considering unintended consequences and long-term impact of our actions; and 3) to respect the cultural heritage of those we work with and meet their needs within that context. 

Leonard E. Egede, MD, MS
Founder and CEO